
Premium honey mixture

Od 240 CZK

A mixture of melliferous plants, consistent with the requirements of the ecoscheme: melliferous plants.

A varied mixture containing plants from the lists of species recommended for the ecoscheme: melliferous plants.

Our proposal is a response to the requirements of the ecoscheme for melliferous plants, allowing for subsidies of approximately EUR 269/ha.


Premium Honey Mixture – Complies with the Ecoscheme Requirements

Mixture composition:

  • coriander 51%
  • spring vetch 9%,
  • alfalfa 8%,
  • buckwheat 8%,
  • sunflower 8%,
  • mustard 5%,
  • phacelia 3%,
  • oil radish 3%,
  • meadow clover 2%,
  • white clover 3%.

Recommended sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha.

Why is it worth choosing Premium honey blend from PolskieZiarno?

  1. Compliance with the eco-scheme: Our mixture was developed in accordance with the guidelines of the ecoscheme of melliferous plants, which allows it to meet all the requirements necessary to obtain subsidies.
  2. Varied composition: The mixture contains plants from the list of recommended species, which provides diversity and richness of food for bees and other pollinators throughout the season.
  3. Support for biodiversity: Growing melliferous plants supports biodiversity in the agricultural ecosystem, contributing to the health and stability of ecosystems.
  4. Economic benefits: By meeting the requirements of the ecoscheme, farmers can receive subsidies of approximately EUR 269/ha, which translates into additional financial benefits.
  5. Long-term soil benefits: Honey plants support soil structure, improving soil fertility and health, which has long-term benefits for future crops.

Choose a premium honey blend to support bees and other pollinators while meeting ecoscheme requirements and achieving financial benefits. It is an investment in a healthy ecosystem and a sustainable future of agriculture.

Additional info

Weight No data

1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg, 500kg

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